
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A More Grown-Up Forever 21

I know I can't possibly be the only girl over the age of 24 who feels slightly odd shopping at Forever 21! While I do most of my shopping online, I do enjoy shopping at the local mall every once in a while. The thing about shopping at Forever 21 is the fact that I see so many young girls (middle/high school age) also shopping in there, and to be honest, I believe that is their intended demographic. While looking through the racks on racks on racks of clothing, I repeatedly pick something up, stare it for 30 seconds, and stuff it back. Reason being: Sadly, I think I've become too old for their clothes. Needless to say, I managed to leave the store with three totally awesome items,then came home and raided their online website in the pursuit of more grown-up girly clothes. And I am happy to report that YES there is a way to shop at Forever 21 without looking like you're "trying to be young." I'm just glad that I can shop there and still be taken seriously.

More grown-up girly pieces below:


  1. That leopard printed dress is awesome! I'm 20 years old and I really don't like shopping at Forever 21... I don't know why actually, I just never seem to find items that I really like and want to have...

  2. I'm careful about shopping there. A lot of their clothing can look cheap and is often made with cheap material, but because they're budget friendly, I still go in there and see what I can find. Forever 21 can surprise you sometimes!


  3. Cool post! Love it! You're a brilliant blogger. Looking forward to more... Hope you've had a great weekend so far!
